Monday, June 24, 2013

Relavant But a Dodgy Subject

Summer 2013 has finally settled in. This past year has been..whew, Something Else!!! That' understatement. If you don't mind i'm going to just savor this moment for a minute longer. There, i feel better. Hearts broken/mended (almost), prayers answered/unanswered (Hah, they may seem unanswered but He's got a Plan like always so it's not my problem!), and some wild dreams have occurred...(several nights ago i had the most wild one of all: i was giving youth talks about Marriage. Can you imagine? Me, just me, giving talks, supposed meaningful talks at that, on Marriage of all subjects!? Made me almost mad when i woke up. What a waste of time. As if i know about That!?!!)

Well, i'm an intern at a PR firm in NC and own a car. It feels Real....-ly like a dream. It's like i'm an adult or something....whoahh let's not get carried away. i'm still a college student, no matter how hard i try to enter the grown-up world. i Better get used to it. At least another 2 years.....(hopefully 1.5! We'll see if i can take the strain..doubtful.)

Now for a subject i've thought about here and there as i've gotten older and it's hit me in the face more and more: Pride. Phew, guys/readers, i don't know about you but that is something i just can't quite.."get in to." i Don't mean to sound Lofty, but come on. How much is necessary? True, some arrogance may be allowed for oneself when one accomplishes something Significant...possibly winning an election for President or being able to give back large sums of money to something that helped you grow as an individual but..being proud about just about anythang seems..over the top. Some people are just so Proud. i'm thinking like this because i recently overheard a peer of mine explain how her skills in music and how long she has been singing and so on. i Was so horrified, i could barely focus on my work. This far from unique individual was standing there, mouthing away about her accomplishments and how she's come a long way and how she sounds so good now..

It only gets worse when someone is so proud they do not want to lower themselves and even exchange conversation with someone they deem to be beneath them. What in the world? i Fear, they're missing It.

A while back i was waiting for some associates at a fast food drive-through to get their food and you wouldn't believe what happened. The young lady gave us the food, there wasn't a single, "Thank you..!" and because of this, it was quite awkward. No, more than that. It was, out of place and weird. It didn't make any sense for that to happen and i was, confused. Completely. This may have nothing to do with them being too proud and everything with them just being tired..but it certainly got me thinking nonetheless.

You see, when someone says, "thank you," they aren't just expressing their thanks. They're actually doing something else as well simultaneously. They're bringing themselves down and putting themselves on that same level as they are valuing the other person as well. They want to honor the other person and show that they care enough about that person to say, "i Appreciate you for doing/helping with something i couldn't do by myself unless i were to swap roles with you!" Especially if one is selling some product.

Saying "thank you" is so crucial to me not only because i was raised that way, but because of its implications. Furthermore, it can be applied to the Gospel perfectly. Why do we need to show our appreciation to God? Ahah...(Hint: the Cross and everything else He has done).. This cycles right back to me being perturbed about people being haughty.

If one thinks that highly of his/her self that much, to give so much credit to their own, it is time they re-evaluated what is vital to their lives. 

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