Monday, January 7, 2013

In a Hurry

Why is everyone in a hurry? Hold on, let me slow down myself and rewind until it makes a little more sense why i've decided to write on this dying and dead website. Specifically, this URL ahah.
Well, apparently it took me an entire year to finish up that last post about pushing plugs on the green and that nearly killed me. i Actually enjoy smashing my head against a keyboard in hopes something magnificent can appear on "Blogger," but as this page shows, that hasn't happened once...well, maybe once. Or twice. Here's the problem, i no longer have time for banging away madly with keys which have letters and numbers. What has changed? Not a ton, but a bunch has.
"Blogger" is what Google decided to call it? Oh fine, "blogspot" just made too much sense (a spot to write a blog on this network of networks). Minor change, but a significant one because i can't figure out this new setup. Good news is that i'm taking an "online publication" course with this site. Perhaps i can learn somet'ang. Please check out my li'l review sites of sorts that takes a look at random but extremely talented musicians:!!
i'm now a sophomore and Communications major at my school and headed towards an English minor. i Am still no better than a six year old at math and am concerned i might have to take the GRE if i want to go to grad-school. Problems brewing. i Have several jobs on campus but alas, am not as debonair as i wish and confidence is hard to find as i search daily.
Now that the catching up is all through, on to my rantings.

Why can't people learn to be alone? Well, if that's not a grand ol' Loaded question of sorts, i'm not sure what is. But think for a second. i'm not talking about living 'lonely,' i.e. feeling lonesome and not having a friend in the world. Not at all. This little trifling of a comment is going to be quite foolish yet entertaining i hope as i look for an answer (and fail outstandingly) to why people struggle with Relationships (including..yours truly). Capital "R" for i am speaking about those *cough*notatallunique, individuals who feel they must have a significant other and cannot be without a "bf" or "gf" for more than a few months (regretfully, you know as well as i do that this number of months can be significantly smaller. i.e. weeks for some witless ones). It's beyond me and has my mind often floundering for the answer.

What is it about people that they have to be in a Relationship? Is it because they just want so desperately for someone to share that close connection with? If that's the simple answer than there is a problem. One simply cannot find those connections with friends? If not, then another question springs to mind along with that. Why do people need that intimacy that they just "have to have?" This worries me because this is quite obviously a sinful world.. i Realize my thoughts have been rambling quite a while already, but i'm still concerned...fearful.

People have got to realize there is Something More. He created them. He died for them. What does it take for them to understand they do not have to look anymore? That they can find what will completely fill that hole? i Have to backtrack now and bring myself into this. i Struggle just as much as anybody. i Catch myself wanting that void filled a LOT too often. i Constantly need waking up and reminding that He's right here next to me wanting me to call out to Him. i Can't get away from this just like everybody else can't, and i am at fault for thinking this way just like many others.

So, where can we put our Hope? i Know the answer and i hope you can grasp it better than me. It's God. It's Always God. He's always the Answer we really need, and yet we continue to seek what's here on this condemned earth. Everything dies here or will die. The Bible says so (Matt. 6). i Pray that we can See and Know this Answer, daily.

If we could learn to be "alone" in a happy, non-melancholy way, i know for a fact great changes could be made for people. A certain musician i really look up to named Adam Young writes in a song, "My Captain on His snowy horse, He's coming back to take me Home, He'll find me fighting back a terrible force, 'cause i'm not afraid to die alone!"That's the epitome of the way i want to live. That kind of passion. That kind of fearlessness. All of which can only be gained by God's measureless Grace which He pours out to us every stinking day.

Switching gears just a bit, in pondering the word "hurry," i wonder how many of you not necessarily think of getting in and out of Relationships but just day-to-day. i Catch myself all the time rushing onto the next activity or duty and this even includes food (which i love dearly). As i get older i notice how quickly time is flying. i Can't grasp it. Well, of course, who can "grasp" time but God, but i was remarking on the fact that i don't understand why it has to fly. i Know it's my Duty to use my time well, but i find myself rushing around like wild. So much so that sometimes it slips into my answer of the kind question, "How are you?"

This will do no good. So, it gets me thinking about New Year's Resolutions and what mine should be..which further gets me depressed because we all know what happens with New Year's Resolutions. They die like of the time.
Instead, i will say "Cheers!" and start this new semester at school and 2013 with hopefully, hopeful eyes that do not scream, "Run, dash, faster! Sleep is for the weak! You imbecile!!" but say nicely, "i'm Looking Up, for There lies my Hope, Life, and Everything."

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