Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The End....(??)

This is going to be short. I promise. No jokes. It really is the end. Sorry. I know, some of you are utterly crushed that I'm stopping, but, oh well. You'll get over it.

Confused yet? Good. You should be. I am too. I am now enrolled in my two online courses and still in the public school. Indeed. Hope that sums it up.

In other words......... I may not be writing another one of these MASTERPIECES for a while. Hope you thoroughly enjoy this one. I am so SWAMPED, I'm getting lost just thinking about it. An update may come in the near future... Keep your eyes peeled. Well, not literally.. (To let those of you who haven't figured it out STILL, think about those ridiculous future movies when it says "The near future" it really means: Definitely NOT today, certainly NOT tomorrow, and most likely not in the next 5 years. At least. SO, don't keep your eyes open for more of this nonsense-on-bogsplot. I really am bogged down with this insignificantlife.)
The best news about this whole silliness? All this work is makin' me pout, I think I'll just pass out, at least He loves me, even if I'm just a lout...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Move

Woke up bright and early (or dark and late) at 3:30 and I thought immediately, "Grreat. Now we're leaving any second and I have to be sure and not forget anything!" I tried to hurry as fast as possible, but, you try going to bed at around 10 or 11 and waking up at 3:33am!! After I thought I had finished all my "gathering and stuffing", I went to ask my mom when we were going to leave? We weren't too sure and... We left at about 4:30, of course! :} Just a tad bit off, but, we're gypsies, we can handle it!
So we're off and my sister and I begin the famous saying in foreboding voices, "This is going to be the trip of Hell... We call it the Hell TRIP!.." Of course, I can't sleep because packing the car and certain individuals going to the bathroom RIGHT before we were going to leave, just took eons. I knew it was bound to happen after all that madness of walking back n' fo' and back n' fo and... Just woke us up REAL well. Never can tell when I lose consciousness in a car.. Oh well!
We drove on and on and it was really impressive scenery! The Red Woods were beautiful with the sun hiding behind the thin clouds. Bursting forth were the green shrubbery and tropical orchids. The otters playing joyfully in the clear running streams... OR, not.
To be more accurate, I think I should mention the fact that we were driving in the desert until we stopped so my parents could sleep in the desert at a hotel. It worked out well, my parents would sleep in the afternoon while my sister and me would swim/go on the internet/etc. We just HAD to update our status!!
This first hotel we stopped at (about 2pm), if I remember right, it was run by an Indian. Who was, quite Indian. We swam in the "veri clean" pool. However, with special tools (aka: goggles) I saw right onto the pool floor and dusted away much clouds of dust. Oh well...
We left that night around 9:30 or 9:45 and we were on the road once again. I think that was the night Sarah and I watched some Cosby show and then when she went to sleep I watched a little of The Skydivers (A Mystery Science Theater 3000 movie). Oh yeeah! At one point there is a close up of a kids face and the comment is, "Could you staple my ears back please?" After that I went to sleep and I think I slept well, except of course waking up several times with that b e a utiful sunshine beating down into my closed eyes.
We stopped at a Denny's and for some reason Sarah and I weren't that hungry. Hopefully we have conveyed some point to our parents.. That's sad that it has to be like this, but... One must be truthful sometimes.
The day went by and we stopped at about 11pm this time. I hoped that this would be plenty of time to sleep and we could leave earlier like 8. My father had other plans. He had to go "get the car fixed" and see the weather on the flat screen. My oh my... We left this hotel right around 9, so not that bad. I want to say this was the hotel with a pool that had a birthday party going on, so no swimming for us until that was over. Little sniveling whiny kids running around on the now dirty slippery pavement around the pool. To bad I didn't get to see one of them careen out of control and fall flat on his/her back! Hysteria! (Wonder if that's correct...)
I am quite sure we saw some interesting sites on this trip so far, but they will be out of order, so, get over it.
At Denny's there was a certain lady that was a little on the mammoth side and she had the most incredible laugh! It wasn't a mocking sort that you might hear as a joke or something of that nature it was definitely her laugh. I thoroughly enjoyed my frozen egg and... Something in the middle at one of the hotels. Or... Yes, NOT!! At one of the hotels at breakfast there were those instant, sugary packets of oatmeal and I went to go set my down but didn't care to much where this spot was and randomly chose right near the toaster. Just as I sat this down on the counter, I notice a lady walk up out of the corner of my eye and roll her eyes and let out a small sigh. Whew! I said, "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Kind of laughing at my stupidity, and she doesn't say a word. Probably just thought, "Oh grreat! Some moron deciding to put his meal right where I want to toast my english muffin! Jeez!! Get the HAIL out!" Went to a Crackle Barrel (obviously) and saw some sights. Plural. You always do when you go to one. These included: interesting old people ordering LOADS of food to gum, poor folk in their rockers on the porch hoping to be called, a southern waitress (can you believe it?!) messing up our order very nicely, and simply, some people that shouldn't have been seen or heard of until 11:34am, instead of 7:45! I also managed to catch a glipse of a very suspicious hitch-hiker! My word! Don't they know that's illegal?? Oh wait, if I were a policeman I don't think I would bother hitch-hikers either! Yikes!
The last hotel when we got to NC was another Hampton Inn, but this time my sister and I shared a room when my parents got the other! Hah, watched some serious Tube! (Sound of Music....) Interesting part to that movie I had no idea was in there! Did you know that there is a scene with the Captain and Mariah and they have a song together?! Wow, interesting! (After the song had been going on for 12 minutes singing about fate(?), I believe my sister and I could figure out why it was skipped.. Our mom isn't too keen on the whole fate business and... It's a 34 minute production!)
We ended up having to stay two nights in this hotel (didn't get the other room the next night though) because the rental house that we were going to move into was not ready. Finally moving in we tried to get settled as best as we could and my sister and I were finally enrolled in the public school after missing 2 weeks of it.
The Hell Trip was really great! Oh, 'scuse me, The Move was quite intriguing. I wasn't sure about anything really, but God kept us safe on the journey and that's what is important. I definitely learned ONCE AGAIN to trust Him no matter if the answer does NOT come until the very last second!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Not "Knowing" and After.

Well, here it is. A recount of things that are of some importance leading up to The Move and after knowing we really WERE moving.
First off, indeed, I DID think of that title by myself thanks.
Let's see.. I guess I should begin by describing last year and moving from Congo to the States. The move was O.K. (Not the best, but simply because of hassling that occurred of course.) We traveled around the states, visiting family and friends and going to a missionary "debriefing" in Kentucky, and looking for a house. While in KY, we learned of the House of Rest in Pasadena. In the next week we moved there and settled in just in time for school and learned that obviously my dad still didn't have a job and we weren't going to be staying in an apartment for the rest of our lives. Made friends and had a great time in Pasadena, but knew in the back of my mind "It's possible I may not get to hang with these kids for the next 3(?) years. But, better make the most of it."
Meanwhile, my father was busy trying to get a job SOMEwhere. Many contacted him asking him to move where they were: Virginia, Massachusetts, Louisiana, Mississippi, other places in CA, to name a couple. Even a job opportunity at Cancun! A little out there, but, we were desperate.
Suddenly there was a job opportunity at our church and an "examination" in South Carolina for a church planting in North Carolina. Craziness.. By this time I had told my friends I might be moving out of state. Who knew? They were sad and this made me sad. The best part about this whole thing was that we knew as a family that God would put us in the right place no matter what. The sad about this "Not knowing" bit, was that this is exactly what happened last year when we didn't know where we were going to move or where my dad could find a job. Jumping around the country like gypsies (for gypsies we are), we tried to figure it out. This is why when news of a place in CALIFORNIA came about, we pounced on that in a heart beat. I was born there and my family lived there ten years.
My dad decided to try for both. And we didn't know till the last second what was the decision. After much hiding secrets and not telling a soul, we found out on Sept. 2nd and still couldn't tell anyone till the 3rd. Due to reasons having to do with the church.
Before this happened however, it was much more complicated than this. There were countless times where we had to change plans because of "Not Knowing". This was the real bad part. We had to constantly be saying, "If we move.." and "When.. I mean, IF we stay.." vice versa. There was a musical that I thought about being in, but didn't know if we were moving not to mention the whole driving issue. I wanted to get into drivers ed for sure, but sadly I was afraid to get my permit and it not be valid in North Carolina! Even when I went on my trip to the east coast by myself I was telling people the "IF" monologue. This went on for quite a while, much more than two months.
I guess I'll just jump right in then. The examination went well and to quote Brian Regan (probably my favorite comedian) "One thing led to another", and here I am now on the coast of NC. What I did on Sept. 3rd and the 4th is another story. Before I start, I have to say that my friends in that Pasadena youth group were just too nice.
On Wednesday, night after doing a lot of packing during the day, I went to a friend's hot tub with a few of my comrades. Really a good time. After, we went to In-N-Out for the last time. Delicious. Not sure why I was hungry for a Three-by-Two at 10 or so at night, but it went down real well with a couple of fries and a Strawberry-Vanilla shake. The day past and wasn't too eventful besides having to say goodbye to friends and working at my church for the last time.
On Thursday, more packing to be done... On top of that, some of my friends still wanted to see me for the last time. A good friend of mine got together a small group and we went to the mall and hung out. After that, they drove me home and I said goodbye. As soon as I walked into my room I put my phone down and went to get some water, but when I came back my phone was glowing and I suddenly had 5 messages from each friend that had gone out! One of which said, "We're outside your window playing music. Not wanting it to end!" Opened my window and they all cheered. Invited them in and they hung out for the next 10 minutes or so. Good times. Best part of it was that I still had packing to do!
That night we were leaving around 1 or 2am (or so we thought), because my parents didn't want to heat up the car too much in the desert. So I tried to get to sleep as soon as possibly, but of course couldn't fall asleep until past 10:30? That was a short rest, or, a longer one than I expected...