Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The End....(??)

This is going to be short. I promise. No jokes. It really is the end. Sorry. I know, some of you are utterly crushed that I'm stopping, but, oh well. You'll get over it.

Confused yet? Good. You should be. I am too. I am now enrolled in my two online courses and still in the public school. Indeed. Hope that sums it up.

In other words......... I may not be writing another one of these MASTERPIECES for a while. Hope you thoroughly enjoy this one. I am so SWAMPED, I'm getting lost just thinking about it. An update may come in the near future... Keep your eyes peeled. Well, not literally.. (To let those of you who haven't figured it out STILL, think about those ridiculous future movies when it says "The near future" it really means: Definitely NOT today, certainly NOT tomorrow, and most likely not in the next 5 years. At least. SO, don't keep your eyes open for more of this nonsense-on-bogsplot. I really am bogged down with this insignificantlife.)
The best news about this whole silliness? All this work is makin' me pout, I think I'll just pass out, at least He loves me, even if I'm just a lout...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Move

Woke up bright and early (or dark and late) at 3:30 and I thought immediately, "Grreat. Now we're leaving any second and I have to be sure and not forget anything!" I tried to hurry as fast as possible, but, you try going to bed at around 10 or 11 and waking up at 3:33am!! After I thought I had finished all my "gathering and stuffing", I went to ask my mom when we were going to leave? We weren't too sure and... We left at about 4:30, of course! :} Just a tad bit off, but, we're gypsies, we can handle it!
So we're off and my sister and I begin the famous saying in foreboding voices, "This is going to be the trip of Hell... We call it the Hell TRIP!.." Of course, I can't sleep because packing the car and certain individuals going to the bathroom RIGHT before we were going to leave, just took eons. I knew it was bound to happen after all that madness of walking back n' fo' and back n' fo and... Just woke us up REAL well. Never can tell when I lose consciousness in a car.. Oh well!
We drove on and on and it was really impressive scenery! The Red Woods were beautiful with the sun hiding behind the thin clouds. Bursting forth were the green shrubbery and tropical orchids. The otters playing joyfully in the clear running streams... OR, not.
To be more accurate, I think I should mention the fact that we were driving in the desert until we stopped so my parents could sleep in the desert at a hotel. It worked out well, my parents would sleep in the afternoon while my sister and me would swim/go on the internet/etc. We just HAD to update our status!!
This first hotel we stopped at (about 2pm), if I remember right, it was run by an Indian. Who was, quite Indian. We swam in the "veri clean" pool. However, with special tools (aka: goggles) I saw right onto the pool floor and dusted away much clouds of dust. Oh well...
We left that night around 9:30 or 9:45 and we were on the road once again. I think that was the night Sarah and I watched some Cosby show and then when she went to sleep I watched a little of The Skydivers (A Mystery Science Theater 3000 movie). Oh yeeah! At one point there is a close up of a kids face and the comment is, "Could you staple my ears back please?" After that I went to sleep and I think I slept well, except of course waking up several times with that b e a utiful sunshine beating down into my closed eyes.
We stopped at a Denny's and for some reason Sarah and I weren't that hungry. Hopefully we have conveyed some point to our parents.. That's sad that it has to be like this, but... One must be truthful sometimes.
The day went by and we stopped at about 11pm this time. I hoped that this would be plenty of time to sleep and we could leave earlier like 8. My father had other plans. He had to go "get the car fixed" and see the weather on the flat screen. My oh my... We left this hotel right around 9, so not that bad. I want to say this was the hotel with a pool that had a birthday party going on, so no swimming for us until that was over. Little sniveling whiny kids running around on the now dirty slippery pavement around the pool. To bad I didn't get to see one of them careen out of control and fall flat on his/her back! Hysteria! (Wonder if that's correct...)
I am quite sure we saw some interesting sites on this trip so far, but they will be out of order, so, get over it.
At Denny's there was a certain lady that was a little on the mammoth side and she had the most incredible laugh! It wasn't a mocking sort that you might hear as a joke or something of that nature it was definitely her laugh. I thoroughly enjoyed my frozen egg and... Something in the middle at one of the hotels. Or... Yes, NOT!! At one of the hotels at breakfast there were those instant, sugary packets of oatmeal and I went to go set my down but didn't care to much where this spot was and randomly chose right near the toaster. Just as I sat this down on the counter, I notice a lady walk up out of the corner of my eye and roll her eyes and let out a small sigh. Whew! I said, "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Kind of laughing at my stupidity, and she doesn't say a word. Probably just thought, "Oh grreat! Some moron deciding to put his meal right where I want to toast my english muffin! Jeez!! Get the HAIL out!" Went to a Crackle Barrel (obviously) and saw some sights. Plural. You always do when you go to one. These included: interesting old people ordering LOADS of food to gum, poor folk in their rockers on the porch hoping to be called, a southern waitress (can you believe it?!) messing up our order very nicely, and simply, some people that shouldn't have been seen or heard of until 11:34am, instead of 7:45! I also managed to catch a glipse of a very suspicious hitch-hiker! My word! Don't they know that's illegal?? Oh wait, if I were a policeman I don't think I would bother hitch-hikers either! Yikes!
The last hotel when we got to NC was another Hampton Inn, but this time my sister and I shared a room when my parents got the other! Hah, watched some serious Tube! (Sound of Music....) Interesting part to that movie I had no idea was in there! Did you know that there is a scene with the Captain and Mariah and they have a song together?! Wow, interesting! (After the song had been going on for 12 minutes singing about fate(?), I believe my sister and I could figure out why it was skipped.. Our mom isn't too keen on the whole fate business and... It's a 34 minute production!)
We ended up having to stay two nights in this hotel (didn't get the other room the next night though) because the rental house that we were going to move into was not ready. Finally moving in we tried to get settled as best as we could and my sister and I were finally enrolled in the public school after missing 2 weeks of it.
The Hell Trip was really great! Oh, 'scuse me, The Move was quite intriguing. I wasn't sure about anything really, but God kept us safe on the journey and that's what is important. I definitely learned ONCE AGAIN to trust Him no matter if the answer does NOT come until the very last second!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Not "Knowing" and After.

Well, here it is. A recount of things that are of some importance leading up to The Move and after knowing we really WERE moving.
First off, indeed, I DID think of that title by myself thanks.
Let's see.. I guess I should begin by describing last year and moving from Congo to the States. The move was O.K. (Not the best, but simply because of hassling that occurred of course.) We traveled around the states, visiting family and friends and going to a missionary "debriefing" in Kentucky, and looking for a house. While in KY, we learned of the House of Rest in Pasadena. In the next week we moved there and settled in just in time for school and learned that obviously my dad still didn't have a job and we weren't going to be staying in an apartment for the rest of our lives. Made friends and had a great time in Pasadena, but knew in the back of my mind "It's possible I may not get to hang with these kids for the next 3(?) years. But, better make the most of it."
Meanwhile, my father was busy trying to get a job SOMEwhere. Many contacted him asking him to move where they were: Virginia, Massachusetts, Louisiana, Mississippi, other places in CA, to name a couple. Even a job opportunity at Cancun! A little out there, but, we were desperate.
Suddenly there was a job opportunity at our church and an "examination" in South Carolina for a church planting in North Carolina. Craziness.. By this time I had told my friends I might be moving out of state. Who knew? They were sad and this made me sad. The best part about this whole thing was that we knew as a family that God would put us in the right place no matter what. The sad about this "Not knowing" bit, was that this is exactly what happened last year when we didn't know where we were going to move or where my dad could find a job. Jumping around the country like gypsies (for gypsies we are), we tried to figure it out. This is why when news of a place in CALIFORNIA came about, we pounced on that in a heart beat. I was born there and my family lived there ten years.
My dad decided to try for both. And we didn't know till the last second what was the decision. After much hiding secrets and not telling a soul, we found out on Sept. 2nd and still couldn't tell anyone till the 3rd. Due to reasons having to do with the church.
Before this happened however, it was much more complicated than this. There were countless times where we had to change plans because of "Not Knowing". This was the real bad part. We had to constantly be saying, "If we move.." and "When.. I mean, IF we stay.." vice versa. There was a musical that I thought about being in, but didn't know if we were moving not to mention the whole driving issue. I wanted to get into drivers ed for sure, but sadly I was afraid to get my permit and it not be valid in North Carolina! Even when I went on my trip to the east coast by myself I was telling people the "IF" monologue. This went on for quite a while, much more than two months.
I guess I'll just jump right in then. The examination went well and to quote Brian Regan (probably my favorite comedian) "One thing led to another", and here I am now on the coast of NC. What I did on Sept. 3rd and the 4th is another story. Before I start, I have to say that my friends in that Pasadena youth group were just too nice.
On Wednesday, night after doing a lot of packing during the day, I went to a friend's hot tub with a few of my comrades. Really a good time. After, we went to In-N-Out for the last time. Delicious. Not sure why I was hungry for a Three-by-Two at 10 or so at night, but it went down real well with a couple of fries and a Strawberry-Vanilla shake. The day past and wasn't too eventful besides having to say goodbye to friends and working at my church for the last time.
On Thursday, more packing to be done... On top of that, some of my friends still wanted to see me for the last time. A good friend of mine got together a small group and we went to the mall and hung out. After that, they drove me home and I said goodbye. As soon as I walked into my room I put my phone down and went to get some water, but when I came back my phone was glowing and I suddenly had 5 messages from each friend that had gone out! One of which said, "We're outside your window playing music. Not wanting it to end!" Opened my window and they all cheered. Invited them in and they hung out for the next 10 minutes or so. Good times. Best part of it was that I still had packing to do!
That night we were leaving around 1 or 2am (or so we thought), because my parents didn't want to heat up the car too much in the desert. So I tried to get to sleep as soon as possibly, but of course couldn't fall asleep until past 10:30? That was a short rest, or, a longer one than I expected...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

NWMC, '09

Just going to continue like I never stopped.
The flight went just fine again. (Don't worry, those flights that are "fine", enjoy them as much as possible. That will change someday) Although, when I had to change planes in Charlotte, I had no idea how I was getting to the conference that I was going to in PA. I hurriedly called the office at the conference my mom had generously given me and got a hold of the lady there. She was very helpful and after getting told that a man with a green sign that said "NWMC" would pick me up, I was alright. Arriving in Pittsburgh I didn't waste any time in going to the baggage claim hoping I could find this "older gentleman". Came to a long hallway and did not notice that there were two different baggage claims on opposite sides in the terminal. So chose one way and walked around for 15 minutes hoping I wouldn't have to call him and get him all worried too. Finally chose to make the call and of course as soon as I did it, I saw the sign that said baggage claims: A and B this way and then noticed the other sign Baggage claims: C and D.. etc. Found him fine and waited around until some others arrived. NWMC, before I forget, is indeed the conference I went to last year and made a couple of good friends. It stands for New Wilmington Mission Conference and it's a conference based on... Yep, you guessed it, missions. Pretty cool speakers and awesome worship everyday. The van got to the college, where the conference is held at, about 1pm. We ate lunch, grilled cheese.. Not the best. Oh well. I got signed in about 4 minutes found my room to be empty, except for a desk, chair (times 2), 2 beds, and 2 dressers. Empty, meaning, my roommate had not shown his head yet. I unpacked a good deal of my clothes and used the top of my dresser and 2 drawers for clothes and toiletries. Not to mention the butterfly catcher. Then I was bored. Extremely. From about 2:30 till 4:15 I had nothing to do. So I read some Bible and Perelandra and sat around. About 4, I went to one of the dining halls where I was to have my meeting. I was on kitchen duty this year for camp because my parents and I were the ones paying for it. So, I wanted a discount. I chose to have part time kitchen duty which meant I was going to have to do all dinners and two breakfasts. At the meeting they gave us some prep and then because I was working dinners I ate there and got to work immediately. Busing tables that night. Tired me out pretty dang well. Thought it would be an easy job, and it was. Just collecting trays and putting them on the conveyor belt tired my poor feet out. The only other downside of working kitchen duty was where I worked. At camp there are three different dining halls. One generally for high school delegates, one generally for older adults, and one generally for families and junior highs. The latter, was mine. Much more work because of all the messy middle schoolers and and babies. Oh well. At least I had a huge discount. I finally saw my friends at the first "Big Show" as it's called, which is the high school meeting at night. It was so cool to see them again. Learn what had been going on, the usual. We had the first evening meeting (which is the meeting where ALL delegates are present that night) and it was pretty neat. Also found who my roommate was. The same one as last year! Thank You God! True, he goes to public school and is really athletic.. BUT, we both like to sing and be in musicals and that's pretty cool! Anyway, after Evening Meeting we went to "Sideshow" (meeting with high schoolers and junior highs). Sadly, the plan was to play Rock Band, but they only had the guitars and no one knew where the CD even was! Pretty much just hung out on a few of the couches for a little while and talked and then they played the song. It begins with "Goodbye goodbye! Good friends Goodbye..." and then goes to describe how there has been a lot of fun, but it now must all end... Pretty depressing. Anyway, said goodnight and boys and girls split off to our own separate dorms.
I have to talk about these dorms next because the living conditions were SO much better than last year. Last year, all boys were in Russel. This was 4 story dorm that only had one bathroom on each floor. Each bathroom had plenty of toilets and showers. But that wasn't the problem. The problem was the fact that there were no stalls. I feel like Monk (TV show) wishing and praying to not see another naked man. Pretty horrible. Next, was the rooms. The size didn't really bother me, it was more of the fact that it was so hot that week last year, that I just swealtered in my room. Only my roommate had brought a fan. NOW, on to last week. As I was unpacking in my palace, a fan and a pillow magically appear. Beautiful sights they were. This room was roughly the same size (maybe smaller), but had one toilet and one shower connecting with another room! So yes, bliss. Water was perfect. Doors were properly closed. I slept well that night. Too well.
Breakfast at NWMC aren't too great. Powdered eggs all the time. Cereal. Muffins (quik mix??). Then something "special" every morning.. Powdered eggs with bacon. Powdered eggs with sausage.. etc. (Pancakes were good though..Hah, probably another whole WHITE flower quik mix shtuff..) After breakfast I would normally go back to my dorm to brush my teeth, put in another set of freaking rubber bands, mouth wash.. Whatever.. Then it was "The Morning Show". A lot like "Big Show" nix the evening speaker. Instead of him, we had a missionary talk just really quickly about the work they did. (Intercessor, Sender (sent goers basically), Welcomer (welcomed missionaries back or would get interested in other cultures and welcome them), Mobilizer (power others to do the Job), or a goer (hardcore missionary who went to Malaysia for example.. or someone who stays right in the states and reaches out to people around them)). So that was that. The Morning Show included worship from a band that had come to the conference just for the benefit of the youth and they were: SinClaire (sp?). Pretty sweet jumpin' around goin' on. Really good worship. After Morning Show we as delegates would split into our small groups that we had been placed in and we would go off somewhere on campus and hear from another missionary.
Heard from many. A man from China and Taiwan. Wow was he interesting. He taught us how to sing a popular Chinese song: Women-ai, shian shung shian ai-women.. That's pretty much the extent of it.. One just repeats it in a way. Believe it means something like: We love, our God we love.. somethin'.. Also learned something else that's pretty cool.. In Taiwan when complimented, it's bad manners to answer with a thank you. Instead one answers with "Hi-how!" (that's how you say anyway) which means "Very average!" Notice it is the exact opposite here in America right? Also heard from a wife and husband that lived in Congo and knew Papa (my dad's dad who died the year I was born :{ ) really well. Of course were very interested in what I had to tell them and so on. On top of that, my group heard from a lady that believed strongly in spiritual warfare. I do too, but.. She was an extremist in the matter and some of the guys in my group were a little disturbed. Oh well, the week went on. After the small group meeting we would go down to the huge outdoor auditorium called Anderson for another ALL delegate meeting. We would have both a morning and evening one. This included worship, announcements, and a message from a professor there at West Minster College. These messages were good, but I don't know.. The Cross wasn't mentioned a whole lot and he had some interesting vocabulary. Due to the fact he was young and used to teaching a class of about 25, not over 500.
Lunch was next and it was normally pretty good. Although for some reason, I'm not really a grilled cheese kind of guy. It was served twice for lunch. I probably don't like it so much just because my mom never really made it. Maybe one piece of bread with cheese every now and then, but I would put tuna on mine anyway. Lunches were usually pretty fun for me though because I was working kitchen duty at night. So, for lunch I got to hang with friends. I will describe one lunch because it was just so funny and silly I have to write it down. I believe it was Thursday or Wednesday and it was mac 'n cheese and a hot dog with some pees on the side. I got my plate of food on my tray with my cup of water and went to go get some ketchup. The little ketchup table is really quite.. Well, little. I thought I could handle it though so I put a forth of the tray on the table, grabbed my hotdog from my plate to place under the ketchup despenser, and tried my best to hold the tray there with my waist. Reactions.. Still working on these. I didn't move my waist fast enough and yes, there it flew. To the ground. Up turned. Food all over. Water cup spinning and bouncing out of control, spraying water across the dining hall... Well, not completely, but close. People started clapping and laughing at me. I beamed back and held up my hands to the sky in victory. That was that. Two kitchen duty people came by and immediately started helping me grap it all with napkins and what-not. Told me it was fine. Laughing.. "All fun and laughter1" *Indian accent* I should have said. The tale must go on. One day for lunch I did not eat at the dining hall but instead went to Pizza Joe's. Right down the street from the college. Had a Mexican stromboli and accomplished it quite well.
From 12 to 1 lunch was happening. But at 1:30 Mission Rotation began. This meant listening to another missionary speak or doing SOMEthing that involved missions. One day we helped sand and make benches for wooden tables. What's it called? Sawdust lung? Carpenters lung? Don't know where I heard it from, but I remember hearing about something like that that people that work with wood may get. Can be pretty serious. Of course I brought it up and might have gotten some kids worried, but I made sure to laugh it off and say something along the lines of, "Oh but that's probably what people get when they have been working with wood for 10 years..." Then at 3 it was free time.
Free time included anything from making bead necklaces/bracelets, to playing a game of rugby, soccer, football, volleyball (sand or grass), Ultimate Frisbee, swimming (indoor).. Hah, naps of course were legal as well.. I should have taken one now that I think of it. Because I was on kitchen staff for supper, I had to be there at the assigned dining hall at 4:30. Dinner was at 5-6. I had to eat my meal and go and get ready. Plastic apron (worthless ties and blew around with the the slightest hint of a whisper of a breeze), plastic gloves (worthless as well because my hand size is not medium, it's a large. But there was no such thing. Just extra large. My hands aren't THAT fat.), and sometimes a queer hair net! Dang, the worst! I would always forget to bring my hat whenever I needed it so I was doomed to wear a hair net instead. Darn. There was one job that I did most often and that was Dish Room. All that needed to be done here was rinse and stack dirty dishes. The first few times I did it, it was kinda' fun. Just me and 3 girls. One day I asked if they were into musicals at all... Answer: Yes!! Struck up as many as I could remember and sang away into the clattering of the plates, silverware, and plastic trays.
I have to talk a little about Sideshow next 'cause it was always the funnest. The second night of camp, it was the Singing Bee. They played a song for maybe 30 seconds and you had to sing the next few lines. Sadly, when I went up, they played "Bye Bye Bye" and had no idea.. I think I have heard that song once... Maybe not even all the way through. Would try and drown it out if I heard it. It was my downfall. There was a talent show one night. I tried feebly to sing a song I wrote last month. One night however we had two of the four founders from this organization called "Faceless International" come and tell us about human trafficing. Sad and depressing. BUT, another founder of this group is Stephen Christian (Lead vocals in a Christian band I like called Anberlin). He was supposed to come to the conference as well, but because his band is getting so popular he was on tour. However, at one of the Sideshows these two ladies got him to get on Skype and he told us about it! We got to ask questions and that kind of the thing. Had a great time. Another night (the last actually) was the dance. It was pretty fun. Had a little dance off battle thing between two guys and anyone else that wanted to join. Good thing was there was no grinding allowed and counselors were there watching pretty closely, so none of that nonsense occurred. Yay!
I have to tell a little about what I learned of course, so I might as well spill it here before I end this just dandy report of a trip I took. For starters I did learn a lot. Many of the speakers were pretty insightful. However there were some who weren't so much. One being a man that talked about the environment. Obviously an environmentalist, and me not being one... It was kind rough. His topic was, "Does God save people or trees?" Yes, of course he saves both. And I'm PRETTY sure the guy mentioned that somewhere.. Although I feel a lot of his message (the bulk, rather) was on the note that, "Yes, God does save both..but we need to be more caring for the environment, save electricity..etc." It's too bad that this really was his message, but I'm pretty sure it was. It really felt just like reading a science book. (Oof, sorry that was kind of harsh... Nope, not really. Just true. :{ ). This guy was yes, young. Wrote a whole book on the topic. "Green Revolution" I think it's called. Another man's message was how we as Christians should really not have any materialistic things in this world as so many of them pull us away from focusing on God. If I'm not mistaken, this might be a good thing. However, taking away a lot of the things that we Americans use all the time and others don't use (TV/computer for example) may still pull us away from Him because some might feel so wretched that they can't be like everyone else... Yes, of course God can help us to get over the fact of what we don't have, but it may just make it so distracting it may be logical that God wants us to keep our "materials of this world" SO we have the option of focusing on Him more and more, without CUTTING IT OUT completely from our life....
Just realized, I'm just a 17 year old writing about something that's WAY beyond me, so please feel free to criticize all you want. It was just on my mind last week during conference and so I felt like it needed to go on this blog because, well, because it was on my mind. I can definitely see how He is challenging me more and more as I grow older to "step out of the boat" and I'm beginning to think I like it. Whether my thoughts are real facts or not, is not my problem. I truely believe the King is making me have these thoughts so that I CAN continue to grow in Him and keep learning more and more so that maybe just maybe, possibly, one day I might make a true statement somewhere on here.
Last story. The trip home. And so it began on Saturday, July 25th 2009.
Started about 6am as breakfast was from 6:30 to 7:30 and everyone had to sign out of their dorms by 8. I had packed the night before pretty much, so no problems there. Went to go get some breakfast and wasn't surprised. Just pitiful dried donuts and some pastries that had more sugar than sweet goodness. But, I found cinnamon Life Cereal and indulged greatly. (One of my favorite cereals, the only other would probably be: Just Clusters: Vanilla Almond from Trader Joe's) Said goodbye to friends. Many, "You better be back next year!!" Even a, "Like, there is no other option!" And of course I replied to them all the same, "We'll see. I really don't know.." I got my things together and was down out of my room by 8. Was shuttled back to Pittsburgh airport and the wait began. Security and checking in was just fine. Getting nude and making sure my harmonica was in a tray along with underwear, stanchion, and butterfly net.. The usual. But once I got to my gate... It was downhill. I had to sit at this gate for almost 8 hours. My flight left at 5:50pm and I arrived at 10am. A big bummer. I tried sleeping with people arriving and people going off on their own trips. Reading with the same thing going on. And listening to music. And even eating. The best was in between a flight leaving and a flight just taking off because that was a span of maybe just 30 minutes or less of no one about. Of course would have to wake up suddenly again to a whiny child or adults all stressed out, letting EVERYONE know. My flight finally came. Thank You. (Yes I did eat. Subway and a Mexican grill. The latter being a tad.. *cough* extremely better..) This flight though was not by all means like any flight I had had coming over to the east coast. This flight was under 5 hours but there was a baby that wouldn't fall asleep. Was up the whole time. Talking a blue streek and fussing and squealing out of spite I believe. Every time I fell asleep I wouldn't be asleep longer than 30 minutes (sounds like the airport..) before another shrill devilish scream would tear me away from clouds and joy and bring me back with an abrupt stop at the bottom of a deep dark pit. Ended up having to stop and switch planes in Las Vegas. Saw pitiful souls on the slotts. Utterly pitiful. And this flight was delayed. Then before boarding two drunk "gentlemen" were getting on the plane too. Thank goodness because I was a "Through passenger" (passenger without a ticket, from another plane) I got on first and the drunk "dudes" got on much later. Thank You. Landed finally in Burbank CA where my dad was to pick me up and that was that. Fell asleep that night so fast, it's possible I was hit with a plank because I was "quiet as a boot" for several hours.
I'm sure I'm leaving out plenty. It WAS a whole week with something new to do every day so... It's obvious I skipped something. I tried my best. If I suddenly bring up a random story about this week sometime in the future and you tell me, "Uh, I read that..." then just ask me what ELSE happened during that week? And I'll rack my brain for another. And for clarification, no not really did I "Just realized I'm 17..et cetera." I did that for effect. There I go lying again.. Well, if you did get to the bottom of this, 'grats!.. It's more than I did.

Smiling faces, Beautiful places...?

Oh my, where to begin. Well, before I do, for your information I am recalling this all from memory. Did not write a single thing down on this trip and deeply regret it. I suppose I should start this "post" with an idea I had in February, I believe, which entails: Me wanting to go again to a mission's conference I went to last year in July. To be honest I had thought of going back all year and hoped I could. Now I wish I could remember how it played out... I feel like it was just one random afternoon in February when I seriously asked my mom if it was possible. But then I realized, "Wait, I can't spend all this money on a plane ticket for just 1 week.. What should I do?" When it comes down to it, I really wanted to see my friends in South Cakalacky and I guess that how it happened. Before I knew it, I had checked with my friends in SC and I had a plane ticket for Wednesday July 8th, 2009. The waiting began and wow, was that a wait. The months dragged by, ("dragged" a word which here means something like, "Incredibly slow") and plans were made, changed, and expanded for this trip. Yes, I was going alone. Not a single Shepard going with me and this is where I felt badly for a particular younger sister. I thought it would be smart for her not to know a single thing until I left, this way it wouldn't look like I was bragging constantly. This went well until a few weeks before I left when my mom let it slip. Oh well, couldn't help it I presume. So, indeed, I did have a small fit and let loose. Poor sister. I was just too excited. I was off to stay with friends I hadn't seen for more than a day and a half (or less) in 4-5 years?!
It came around finally. July 7th, I could not believe I was really going. Last year I was telling people, "I might just MAYBE come back, it would be sweet if I did, but I just don't know!" But I was off for real, taking a 30 minute trip by meself to Target to get some POP Tarts and CD cases for the fam. True story, that Tuesday was like a dream to me. Trying to make sure I wouldn't forget anything like snow shoes, goggles, butterfly catcher, a stanchion, a backup stanchion, and a pillow case. You know, the usual. I still forgot some things though.. At least nothing that was vital. That night I tried my best to go to bed by 8:30. It was maybe 2 and a half hours later that I crawled into bed.
Woke up at a bright and clear 4:15am. To leave by 4:30 with a small suit case and backpack that was crammed with enough in it for...exactly 17 days. Had a very interesting ride to the LA airport with a father that is NOT a morning person. I believe that that is all that needs to be told. Arrived at LAX just fine, for once there was no traffic. None. Even at the Dodger Stadium exit where it is ALWAYS backed up. Except at 5 in the morning. B e a utiful. Found it was too easy to check in with those electronic screens. Not to mention, I'm Theo, almost as good as my brothers at packing; hence I did not need to check any baggage. Said my goodbye and was off to the dreaded security. To be honest, security isn't too bad. It's just a line, showing some sort of identification and hope they will take an old school ID, a getting naked, and getting dressed again. Not too bad. Although it took quite a while because for some reason they weren't too sure about my harmonica. Maybe a clip perhaps? Made it to the gate, and got on real fine. Two flights had to be taken and both were pretty nice. Continental Airlines still has free meals and had personal screens to watch On Demand movies/CD's/taped TV.. Arrived in G-Vegas as some individuals call Greenville and was picked up by my sister that lives in SC. Within the next hour we had tickets to Transformers 2. 'Twas pretty good, but should have its own blog. Hah. Sneaked in some Gusher's and water, and loved it. Went to Sushi that night for dinner and was reassured that Sushi is so dear to me. Arriving back at my sister's house, was disturbed by her dogs, but got over it when they did NOT decide to jump on my bed when I was asleep.
The next day we got to go hang with my other sister who had a job in NC, and had a day off. She was/is working at an all girls camp. We met up with her and sneaked out the kayaks. Felt quite pitiful paddling away, and my two older sisters gaining speed and length with every stroke. Arms weak and tired while theirs' bulged and rippled, I hit one of them with a tennis ball that was aimlessly floating around due to a boys camp across the lake which had a court that apparently did not contain tennis balls too well. Ahem. Eating lunch in the large cafeteria was quite a story. THAT should have its own blog as well. No, just a few sentences. I was stared at plenty (felt like Congo all over) and decided I really can't take being stared at because it makes me want to burn holes into them as well. I sat with my sisters at a table with 5 other girls. Thankfully none of them cared about me and pretty much next to zero questions were asked to me. (Next to 0 because I think there was a question along the lines of "Please pass the butter..") This camp is definitely for spoiled girls who have parents that want them to disappear for a while. So, the food and facilities are pretty amazing. It was just sandwiches for lunch, but they were pretty darn good. My sister was caught by one of the leaders of the camp and so on her day off had to make "Bible patches" for the girls. Diligent siblings we were and helped her finish a tad sooner. Then onto bowling. A grand plan. Found Tarheel Lanes and we were given shoes and Lane 11. This is the lane to get when going to Tarheel. Pin #5 can't quite get picked up. This was hysterical, and lots of fun. Just me and two of my five sisters in NC at a smoke free bowling alley. The day from then on was pretty good, had some BBQ and played cards with a friend of my sister's.
The next day I was picked up by some old friends from my homeschool co-op and hung with them for the weekend. Very eventful weekend including meeting some interesting friends of theirs and getting thrown out of an amusement park for something that was not done. Not sure if I should publish this.. Suddenly just had a thought that it might be dangerous? Maybe? But um, yes. If really curious just ask me about it sometime. A tale to be sure. Other than becoming assured that there are too many guys my age and older that have minds that need some work, my time with this family was really good.
Enjoyed about 6 hours with my favorite cousin and loved it. We had a chance to catch up because we hadn't seen each other for longer than 2 hours in 4 or 5 years. I asked him about his trip he had just gotten back from (Alaska for a service project). He told of ocean kayaking and being afraid of sea lions. He also told me about a bear (ahem, one of my favorite animals) that tromped around his camp! So cool. Grizzly bear. It was big he said, but it was a younger one. He and I ate steak that night and I filled my stomach to its uttermost. I reminded him of the time when my mom had made him eat all of his beans and rice and sour cream. Poor kid. We had told him to put sour cream on it and it would make it better. He put too much and since has never liked sour cream. Adding more beans it just got worse. I excused myself from the table and then sat on the couch near our kitchen, but then sat there wondering what was taking him so long. I look over and there is my mom telling him he should finish his food. My heart goes out to the poor guy. He was staying with the Shepards who have 8 kids in the family. We laughed over that a bit and then went to watch Kung Fu Panda. I hadn't seen it yet and loved it. Jack Black can be pretty funny. He was dead tired so after the movie we said goodnight and I stayed in the guestroom next to his room. Woke up about 7:15 and ran down the stairs to see my cousin off before he left for work. Caught the last bit of the story of the Two Spies sent by Joshua. Said goodbye to him and he was off. He has an Xbox 360 so I played a bit before his mom took me back to SC to be picked up by a friend.
Got to stay with two other families from my old church and those were both good times. Very happy I went to visit. I put South Carolina's motto as a title to this with a question mark because I'm not too sure about it. It really does make me laugh when I read it and the question mark is just because of the people I stayed with. Yes, I'm pretty sure they all were happy I came to see them, however they have changed a great deal. Of course, what did I expect? Them to stay the same all their life? No. But, to change that much? Not that they changed horribly, we are still very good friends. But, two of my old friends go to a public school now. It was bound to happen someday, but.. Public school. Makes me kind of annoyed. Both of my friends' humor has changed a little bit and it's just too bad. Now I'm sounding like I was sad I went back to G-Vegas, nono, it's all confusion now. I am super glad I went, but.. It's just different. Oh well. The "beautiful places" part of the motto really makes ME smile. South Carolina... Beautiful places... Well, I guess Kudzu is nice when you want to stare at walls of green eating trees. Beaches with waves that are a bit higher than lakes'. Well, it's just funny. However, the Reedy River flows through downtown Greenville and that is pretty cool. Course, some "bacteria" has been found in the water so.. I did however tube down it with some friends and that was pretty awesome. Don't mean to bash where I lived for 7 years of my life, because I really did like it. The people there are really nice. Too many flakes in California. But, ya can't have it all. It's the reason I went back. To see my friends. On the 16th I met up with the same sisters and we went to see some Harry Potter. Heh, laughed a lot and enjoyed it. Friday the 17th came and I hung out with some more friends and had a blast. Going downtown to throw a frisbee and eat pizza. Tried to fall asleep before 2am, but couldn't due to some loudness. Had to wake up at 5:15 that morning because my flight out of Greenville left at 7:30 on Saturday. My good friend took me to the airport and I got on it just fine.
To continue this riveting story, keep reading.. I know you're just so excited, but try to contain it please. Newspaper is only so thick.

Friday, July 3, 2009

June 20th..

Well, June 20th, 2009 began at 7am for me. And that was that.
Tried to scrounge around the house for some cereal, a Cliff bar, and some Reliv (the supplement I take for my nerve disease). That went well and I was on my way to my church at 7:45 with a blanket, a pillow, and a backpack. Before I go farther let me tell you what the plan was. A week or two earlier I had signed up to be apart of "24" in which I was to spend 24 hours with new 9th graders that were moving to the high school group at my church down the road. Was pretty excited as I didn't know what was in store for me. Knew that it couldn't be too bad as.. No, I had no idea what I was in for.
Got there fine and maybe 8 minutes later we started and told what, we as leaders of a group of ninth graders, were going to be doing. I was oblivious to all of the kids in my group as I have only been going to this church 10 months and didn't know a single kid in junior high.
They arrived. Well, one, did that was in my group. All the leaders had to be their at 8 while 9th graders were SUPPOSED to arrive at 8:30 or 9. This did NOT work out so well. They were still slowly trickling in at 10. Oh well. I tried to talk with the ones in my group and let's just say some did not want to be there. They looked bored, and probably were confused as to why a high schooler was trying to get them involved. I tried my best to keep a conversation going with a few of them. Some guys in my group sadly.. Still stuck in Middle school. Crude stories that dragged on, and so on. It was especially tough for me as I am... Not sure how to put it. As a homeschooled little innocent, I didn't understand anything. When I got to middle school in The American School of Kinshasa (in Congo), that kind of thing was going on and I was just appalled. I couldn't imagine anybody joking about any such thing. So life goes. That was O.K., I just, sorta' moved on. The kids I could tell were getting bored out of their minds. Standing around talking and talking.
But finally, relief came when we went to the church gym and played "Showtime". We split into our groups and each group had to act out "The Prodigal Son" with a movie genre given. Of course, one of the girl's group got "Western". Failed. Poor girls. They didn't know. Of course, my group received: High School Musical. Problem? None of my group had seen it. (Yes, me too!! Thank God.) Just silly pictures in which we guessed what had been going on. None of my "mature" high schoolers wanted to dance like me and the other leaders for our group, and it was just.. Awful failure. I tried dancing as much as possible. But, I was just a servant. Dancing in the backround like mad. (Heads up, Theo dancing = a sight that CAN be missed.) Truth: I can't dance to save me. I CAN make a fool of myself exceptionally well. Let me rephrase that, "I CAN make a fool of myself and get an A++." It's just pure silliness, but, God gives me grace! Phew, do we humans ever need it sometimes. There are definitely times in my life that I can't imagine God giving me grace over something I had done. Kind of brought my spirits down every time I think about it. Probably, a reason why he gave me this weak ankle trouble and CMT, to show me that although I continue to make a fool of myself, does He care?! Heck no! He's probably laughing hysterically WITH me as I dance and probably wants me to continue. Thanks God! Anyway, side tracked, but not really.
Speaking of dancing, the next activity was indeed a "Dance Off". We blind folded the members of my group one at a time and told them to dance. One of my 9th graders would dance and then another team's would. Quite funny as they were blindfolded. Two particular guys were amazing. Yep, they were black. Yep, they did some break dancing blind folded! Incredible. Lifting themselves off the floor with one hand and flipping around the gym. Insane. THEN, it was us leaders' turn. We did the same thing, one at a time. Did some group crazy stuff. Danced around to the typical pop music. Can't stand it, but, I guess the beats are interesting at times. The only thing that was on my mind though during this, was the fact that we were being video taped. Basically, all for laughs the next morning in youth group. Wasn't really embaressed, not sure why. It just hasn't happened seriously, in such a long time. Main reason: Making a fool of myself is my passtime and why stop when I'm so far ahead! Right? It's almost as if, I have made a fool of myself so much that it no longer matters. Wait.. That IS what happened. God can sure be funny at times huh?
Next activity was lunch. Sandwiches, water, soda, cookies... The usual. (I think..) By this time the 9th graders in my group had warmed up to me fine and it was fun to get to know them a little bit. We then went for a walk to learn about a house that is an after school program with kids that are having trouble in school. We as high schoolers can volunteer at it and help out. Reading with kids, doing some first grade math etc. Pretty neat. Moved on and went to a nearby park. Didn't know what we were doing there until our main guy in charge gave each group a trash bag and told us to walk around picking up trash.
This was depressing. I never expected to find so much trash in a park. Cigerette butts, plastic wrappers, plastic cups, styrofoam cups, plastic silverware, etc. etc. etc. Just went on and on. Why do people do it? Just throw their trash wherever they want. Instead of simply waiting to find a trash can. I know it's difficult America, but really. Kids in a park do not to see that junk all over the place, let alone in their play area! A friend of mine wrote a blog about this issue and did a very nice job of it. I'll stop their for fear of accidentally using his ideas. But seriously, it was rediculous. Now that I think of it, what really got me was the amount of trash my team managed to get, because we were looking for it. If we had been simply teens, walking in the park we may have only seen a third or not even. It was really sad to have all that trash in an area like this.
Next activity was a Scavenger Hunt. This went exceptionally well. Found a nice people in town that helped us out a lot and wished us good luck. And of course got plenty of stares. Stares are really something. You can see them fine, but feeling them as well is an experience. Looks of concerns like, "Aw, those poor children. Lying down in the ground.. Making odd shapes. Poor kids." Or, "What the @#$% is wrong with those kids?! They're standing next to those statues looking like complete idiots!" Oh, let them think what they want I say. Who cares? Not breaking the law, it's all safe! I was on the scavenger hunt with my group and two of the other leaders and one of them was going to a party that I had been invited to as well. It was okay with the main guy in charge of 24 if we left early so we took off. Little did I know, it was a mistake.
This party was the roudiess and obnoxious ever. Food and fruit was good. But, they're was to be live music that night. LIVE. As in: Punk, screamo, metal, hardcore screamo music that the birthday girl didn't like that much. Sad. The mom thought she wanted it. She didn't. The bands she didn't even know. Random. Didn't stay in the little room with all the noise, but instead went outside. Smoking was going down. Hate it. Yes, plenty of adults around. Pretty sure the people smoking were legal, just nasty. I went along with my friend who was helping me at 24 to another party that same night. This one, being completely different. No live music, just high schoolers. Stayed at this one for about an hour and then headed back to the church.
When we got back it was already June 21, at about 12:45am. Found out [again] that sleeping on concrete is not so easy. In fact, close to impossible for me. Didn't sleep well at all and was supposed to help that morning with little kids in Elementary.
All in all, 24 was a success for me. I got involved and for once (ALL thanks to God, He was the one that gave me this power this time) I remembered everybody's name. It was amazing. I couldn't believe it. Thankfully, I only had to help with signing in kids at the elementary, so that was a relief. Went home and sat in the sun and concluded the day. It's safe to say, I learned a lot on Saturday, June 20, 2009 Year of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
(Please excuse any spelling mistakes. It's too late, but I had to get some serious blogging in.)

Finished school and some stuff after, all before jun.20

Well, just realized, it's just been too long since I wrote one of these things. Thought it would be best if I went ahead and just GOT TO IT. So here goes.
School finally ended on June 15th for me. A product I am taking I believe helped with the stress. I didn't stress out half as much about exams as I normally do, and it was quite a change. God definitely helped as well. Especially with Algebra 2. I KNEW that I was going to receive a B for the year, but for some reason I did pretty darn well on the exam, didn't stress too much, and ended up with a flat out 90%. UNbelievable as math is my worst subject. So that's about it for school. It ended. Finally. Frreedomm has arrived. Now, onto what to do with the freedom.
I have read quite a lot, INCLUDING an Elisabeth Elliot book. Hate to admit it, but it is the first I have read of hers. (If you don't know who this amazing woman is, not your worry.) If you do know, yes, you can beat me up or shake your finger at me the next time you see me. (The latter..Preferably) Reading and some crazy partying and beach going. (These last two, just can't "fit" here in this bloggy..)
The day after school ended for my sister, we went cherry picking. Something I have not done in... Over 12 years. Wow, what fun. Pick and eat. All you can eat cherries. Ooh, Heaven. I bet anything Heaven will have the best cherries and fruit ever. Ahh, can't wait. Okay, so at the cherry picking farm there was... Yes, a typical mountain homeschooling family. Ah, poor guys. It was all I could do to not laugh. Stringy hair, dirty finger nails, boots, stained tennis shoes. You get the picture. As we were picking something beyond hilarity occurred. A few members of the family were walking around and so we had to ask, "What are you all doing?" They replied, "We're on Cherry Patrol." Impressed beyond reason we asked, "Wow, what do you do?" A very knowledgeable, and important mind you, young man (ahem, 7 yrs of age most likely) answered for them all, "We make sure that nobody is climbing the trees." Oh, excuse me! Please, continue! So there you have it, cherries and more cherries. Sadly, we ate them in just about 3 days. Indeed, I, and we Shepards, inhale cherries. Among other fruit. Made some bucks by picking some for neighbors. Pretty good deal.
The next day we definitely did something that [VERY] rarely happens. Going to SEA WORLD SAN DIEGO!!! Woah, couldn't believe it! Got there about 11:30am and stayed till 10. That night. Loong day, but we survived. The people I saw is a story in itself. I wore my Clemson Tiger hat and got two different families with their accents asking me if I was from South Carolina. Pretty neat. Impatient parents, whiny kids, the whole lot. Also saw a few too many little girls that were screaming everywhere they went. I suppose out of attempting to show enjoyment. But is it really necessary?! Oh well... There was one group of girl scouts. Oh man. I think only two leaders, and about 12 or 15 little squealing pigs. Oh! I mean, girls. Running like mad and shouting at the top of their lungs. I know I know, Shamu IS quite amazing jumping and belly flopping all over a tank that loses tons of water a day and succeeding in getting people soaked and jumping out of the water when he is 9k lps. and we humans are .01833 of that and CAN'T leave the water in a pool? Yes, incredible. BUT! Is it reallyy that necessary to scream through most of the show? I discovered which are more incredible though are the otters and penguins. Not because otters are my favorite animal (besides bears), but because otters and penguins. They're just.. Simple! They jump in the water. Have DEEP discussions with each other with their eyes closed. Eat. Sleep. Play. That's about it. These sea otters and these penguins. Apparently they can't be trained much at Sea World because they don't have shows. Thus, simpler lives. Not to mention pure cuteness. These otters scrubbing themselves vigerously as if the balance of the world rested on them, and just simply floating in the water with their strange fur. Then the penguins, especially the Emperor species which have meetings together. Maybe four or five at a time, standing in their packs. Just chillin' out. (No pun..) Just hangin' there, talkin' about the weather, how the free food was and how the sky today, yet again, was pretty dark. (I learned that pretty much year around penguins live in almost darkness.) Two more things about this crazy day. Had BBQ Ribs for dinner. I guess some people *cough* me, don't care. I mean really, ribs are pretty difficult to eat. So, I guess you could say I had fun. Yes, I looked like a two year old. Yes, I had to go to the restroom only to find that the restroom had automatic faucets that did NOT come out strongly. Yes, I probably did have have some traces left after at least 5 minutes of washing. But, I'm Theo, and ribs should be eaten messily. The last thing about Sea World is the staff working. I really wonder what the lady's requirements are for participating in a show like the ones I saw today. No joke, every lady on "stage" was, fit. It amazed me. Sad detail, but it's true. America is going to "spam". I say spam, just because that was the first food that came to mind that is pretty high in fat. Sad day. (Saw a commercial for "More Love" or something like that in which it's a bachelor show where they have a shallow guy get on and pick a "normal" lady.) The other thing about these female trainers, was their energy they put into their shows. It made me laugh. Blond hair, all smiles, swimming around with animals that could kill them with a gentle sweep of a tail or little nibble on the neck. They made it look so easy, it makes you wonder what classes they had to take to put on the shows they did.
I feel like this whole blog has been purely me spouting useless information. Umm, yep, that's about right. Some deep parting words you want of me? *racking brain* Ah! Read on to read a crazy story about what happened on June 20th!! Wait, um. Yes. Everyone, continue to people watch please. It is a valuable...pass time/tool. People can be the silliest ever and it's pretty cool how we're still here on this planet, although... In all truth, we should have been gone... OH I don't know, many years back. Many.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Concert that has been burned into My Retinas

Before I forget this hamAZING night I have had. A concert: RunnerRunner, Owl City, & Relient K. (Just for your info, this is going to be ME purely ME, maybe bragging here and there. I'll try and keep that to a minimum.. maybe. But nonetheless, ME talking about the concert I just got back from.)
So it started at about 8:00am today when I read reviews about The Glass House in Pomona that they had a 18 + venue... (I guess that means for that some concerts one must be 18 or over to get in.) My world suddenly came to a halt as I realized it was very possible that I might not be able to go. THAT would have been pretty bad as I have been waiting for this for much longer than a month. So, tried calling the Glass House and it was just information. Didn't say anything about age.
So, with hopes riding on the fence I left about 2pm with Christiana who would be dropping me off if I could stay. Got there fine and already there were about 10 people in line, sitting and lounging about, outside the concert hall. Walked up to the doors of the place and there's this big guy in black outside and asks, "what can I do for you?" I say, "I'm 17 and a half....Can I still get in please with this ticket?" Music to my ears: "Yep, open 'venue', all ages permitted." YES YES YEEAHH!!! One last thing, as I was talking to this guy, Matt Thiessen (Lead vocals for R. K) blows right by me and goes, "I'm with the band.." Walks in. I barely got a chance to say, "ohh don't I know him?!?!" Before he had disappeared. Checked out their (The GH's..) record store just about 50 ft. from the line, cause I thought the line wouldn't go anywhere. Yes it did. I stayed in the record store maybe 4 minutes when I came back out and 3 girls had slipped in. Well, let's just say they weren't THAT ugly... If you catch my drift..
Said some random things. Learned a good bit about how this was their 7th or so time seeing Relient K. How they were from San Diego and how they just went to Spirit Del Mar and Relient K was playing... This concert I had heard about maybe end of April. Thought it would be cool to go see R. K but then I found about this concert maybe 3 weeks ago and...... Just about jumped for joy. Actually I think I did. Much more than jump. As I was sitting there I got to meet John Warne and say I was a huge fan of them. He said, "Awesome! Well, we'll see you in there then!" grreat. Got to say hey to other members of the band, pretty neat.
The doors opened at 7pm for this thing and I got there at about a little before 3pm. So... Was there for quite a while. While there I saw what looked like RunnerRunner one of the other bands taking their equipment out of a trailor. HAH! What do you think I did? Yep, go up and say, "Hey! Are you guys RunnerRunner?" "yeah," one of them said, "I'm Nick. Nice to meet you." So of course, told him I was a big fan of theirs. That was pretty cool. So I see them later and I ask, "Hey Nick! You guys need help setting up? haha.." Of course all smiles, he says, "Umm, I think we're good..." Then I think he guessed that I knew what he was going to say and so he smiled to. wonderfull..
Fastforward a bit maybe 2 hours.. The girls from San Diego got pizza from one of their parents that had taken them all. Guess what? I guess I was just lucky. extremely. They offered me a piece. Oohh. So good. Pineapple, 'shrooms, and some great baken bits....(maybe it's just late...how do you spell baken??? the food...?!) Loved it. Wonderfull slice.
Well, finally the doors opened at 7. PHEW! The longest day of my life. The best part: RUNNING into the concert hall. Yeah since I was like number 20 in line I was. Totally. In front. For RunnerRunner I was one person from the railing. Wow. I was a little amazed myself. Thought surely I would get rammed and shoved and trampled to the back of the room. Almost did. You'll have to wait for that part. So I stood there, near the San Diego girls (hah, of course!...) and these other chicks, one high schooler and one jeunior in college....?! Definitely high schooler to me, but...That's America. Oh well. Then we waited. and waited. and waited. AND WAITED. WOW! That was the longest hour of my life. Then finally! RunnerRunner appears. Okay, so basically like I said, I was there. Just THERE!! In the front, singing along with almost all 4 or 5 of their songs they did. Pretty awesomeness as I had met one of them and a couple of them caught my eye. Okay, so maybe I am being rediculous. Maybe, I'm being a teenage drama queen and kinda freaked out that I was so close and got to sing WITH them. I mean, it was almost that way. A few of them looked at me quite a bit. Probably because of the fact that I just looked so strange and was singing with them. Oh well. That's Theo.
Gotta back track again. I found out there was another girl there that had 7 siblings like me. She brightened up when I said I had 7 as well and she asked, "Ohh! Are you Mormon? (sp..?)" I immediately retort, "NO! Nono.." And she goes, "Oh, well I am.." Oops.. Awkward for a second. Attempted to cover up my mistake and say something lame like, "Oh, well that's, coo l.." Not sure what to say there.. Anyway, she was interesting. IN LOVE with Adam Young (singer for Owl City). That was cool, standing next to people that knew Owl City as well as me, singing all the lyrics. Yes. awesome.
Now to keep on rolling. Owl City took a while to set up and it got scairy when they started to have technical difficulties. YIKES! But it was fine, OWL CITY WAS JUST....Incredible. And what makes it cooler? A girl gave me her spot cause she was just there for RunnerRunner. Friend of theirs or something. It was great, and then I guess some Aisian thought i was just skinny and said, "Can I come up too?" Kinda squished but, managed. So there I was, singing my life away with Owl City just 10 or 15 ft. away. Sadly, the girl that he normally has sing a few songs with him wasn't there. Oh well, it was still... GREAT!!!
Then...at 9:50 or 9:55 (supposed to be 9:45) R. K. Then. You. Know. What. Broke. Loose. Yes, Hell. OH my goodness gracious!!! Suddenly, out of the blue, a shoving and pushing like never before. Suddenly all these people around me (LIKE there was any room!!!) and pushing pushing me against a steel bar. It wasn't that bad, well.. Probably just because I got to sing WITH (there it is again...that, not really TRUE "with" but, it was kinda with..) R. K. Mainly Jon Schneck singing with me, but they all did. Great fun. But this was during: pushing and trampling. Not me, pushing, but getting pushed upon. At one point (no, that's a lie...several times this happened) I could have sworn there was a girl that had her arms basically around my waist. Not sure if that was because there was not room for her to put them down orr......... Um, anybody wanna help me with this?
Relient K's song just about... Rocked!!!! At one point Thiessen said, "Okay this song we're gonna play, just to play it." Sadly they didn't do the words, but they did the NICE intro for yes, that great show: The Office. Also did Subway $5 ft. long... Grreat silliness, but it was great!! The greatest was at the end when they go, "Okay last song." Of course we all "awwned" they walked off. That lasted.... Maybe 4 or 5 minutes, meanwhile we're all shouting at the top of our lungs, "ONE MORE SONG!" It worked. Came out and did Deathbed which is what I really wanted them to do. Wonderful.
After the amazing show, I walk kinda trample out of there to go buy a RunnerRunner CD for a buck. Pretty awesome. It has like 5 songs..? Yep, the band was selling the merchandise for their band (RunnerRunner that is..) and Peter (hah, the one that kinda looks like a Jonas.....HOWEVER, just a wee bit......better. Maybe.. OR not!! Maybe, LOADS better! Dumploads better!!!) sold one to me and after I said, "Really, awesome job tonight! Loved it!!!" He says, "Hey yeah, thanks for singing with us!" well.. yeah. I don't need to say what I feel. These periods I hope, speak for themselves.
Oh boy, it's late. Umm, found my mom okay, so that's good. Feel like there was some more happening that night....... OH!!!
So, as I was in the front with R. K I of course could hear the crowd as well and Relient K did a lot of their more Christian songs. So great because it got me to thinking. Do all these people really understand what Relient K is all about? Do they know what they mean and do they, themself, know what they sing when they sing with Relient K, "I, am the way. Follow me and Take my hand...etc." or how about, "I need you, I need you here, I need you now, I need security somehow, I need you, Like you would not believe, You're the only thing I want, Cause you're everything, everything I need.." Definitely saw some girls tonight singing it to the WRONG Man (Thiessen.... *sigh*) Course, there's nothing really wrong. But if you don't understand the song, yep, you're going to take it like it sounds at first.
So lastly, I'm going to end on a really positive note and that is that: I had a really great time tonight and not just being in the front and singing at the top of my lungs was the best part. Sure that was awesome. But what was so cool was the worship. I could definitely feel Christ working on me and in a really really good way. Makes me wish I could write lyrics as powerful and be a main singer for a band. In the meantime I'm continuing to listen for what God wants me to do. We shall see.
Hopefully this wasn't too much bragging, and if you have reached the end of this blog and have read it...Con stinkin' grats!!!! And.. You don't have a life now. BUT, thanks. Appreciate it. Starstruc. IS the word for me. I never thought this day would actually come. God definitely made It possible once again. "I need you! wooahh! I need you here I need you NOW!.."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Big Sigh for TV

Oh where to begin, over all I believe it's safe to say TV has gone down the drain right? I mean think about it. There are so many garbage programs out there that we love...? Doesn't make much sense, but anyway.
So these sad people on reality TV programs... How the heck do they find these people?! It's just crazy! You think about Ryan Cecrest (however you spell that silly name), why is he so special? He gets so much attention and gets to into American Idol (dramatic and the like..) Good grief, I really want to ask why he's so "amazing". Another show where they get some strange folk is that silly Dancing with the Stars (or whatever... If you're wondering why I'm coming up with these shows it's because my sister likes them and if i'm walking in between rooms I might catch a few minutes of each). There are wild people on that show and it makes me sad that they can't find anybody better. Not dancing whys, butbeing in front of a camera.
Why are these shows so popular? Maybe because so many people have nothing better to do at 8 or 9pm at night. I don't know for sure, but that is probably one reason. When will it ever end though?! These reality shows that NEVER end, just seem to keep going on and on and on with no ending. If there is ever a season finale, you know what happens. They just make something else up that's similar. It brings to mind a short story I read last year about a society where everyone watches "a viewing screen". Nobody went out at night and if they did they might get caught and were put into an asylum. I would go mad if that were how today's world was. Think about it, every night, closed up and locked away from the rest of the world. In seclusion from the rest of the world. Not going to a party at night simply because there was NEVER one to go to. I can't imagine.
Another issue that bugs me about TV is the fact that so much of the "true" things, aren't really true. I am conservative, so if you take it from my perspective, what are all these big broadcasting companies doing? CNN, what is it about them that they can get away with so much? Sad thing is, it's hard to get a non-biased news company. You're pretty much always going to have some bias. The thing is, it's news. People are attracted to bad news and if there was something that is bad that happened to somebody that people thought were good, you can bet it's going to get covered up. If that doesn't make much sense, take Obama's people in the White House. One guy under our president found out and has started arguing that CO2 is not the cause of Global Warming. Huh, interesting that a person that is for Obama found out some lies and has started blabbering about them. It looks like SOMEbody's in trouble. I asked my dad as a joke, "That's probably gonna be on CNN tonight right?" He said, "No! Heck no! It's going to be the greatest kept secret since Vietnam!" And I added on, "And the moon right?!" But, I guess life continues on huh?
All in all, yes it's safe to say TV is not progressing in the field of education. More for entertainment. Which is fine, but we better not get too wrapped up into that kind of stuff. I read this year in my world history book about when TV first was getting popular and how all these fun shows were being broadcasted. One of the people responsible for aiding in the television field said that he was upset how America had ruined his "baby" and said that he would never allow his children to see any of it. Interresting. This guy just wanted it to be for educational purposes and what has it become today?! Oh wow, there's some junk out there. Hate to admit it, but i've seen some of it and not been impressed one bit. "Sad, but true."
At least I know who's in charge of all this craziness that's going on. God, 10000%. (hope that "." said it all and not a million exclaimation marks that aren't necessary.)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Job...?

Time for another one of these silly "blogs" (by the way, blog... maybe I'm just not thinking clearly but what exactly is a blog? Ever wonder why it's called a blog(g)? anyway..random note..)
The title is a question because at the moment, my job really is a question. It has so much potential and if I can only hop to it and find interested people, I shall soar. That's the one thing about this business that I have: if I'm not looking for people, how the heck will I expect to earn anything? The business really is a simple one, it's almost as if it's too simple, I'm afraid of doing it. I wish I knew. I have hope that God will show me if this business is for me or not in the next few months.
I want to be an actor, but I take a Career Planning course in school that showed me actors don't quite make A TON of money. This is where my business would come in. There are hundreds of success stories of people making hundreds of thousands of dollars doing this business. It gives me a lot of hope to know that God knows EXACTLY where my life is headed. Whether it's crashing and burning until I meet Him face to face, or, it's actually sharing what I have to offer and helping thousands of people. I have full confidence that He can help me with this, the only "small" problem would be the fact: Do I fully believe that He REALLY can. I pray that he takes care of it and everything works out, according to His plan. That's the tough part for me right there. "According to His Plan". Whew, that's tough. I know He has the power, and I want so badly for this "job" of mine to workout, but... I always have to remind myself to pray, "IF it's Your Will, ______" I'll admit, it's a big battle, but the more I hear from some strong Christians I have met the more I believe. It really is all up to the Almighty One. He decides everything. Whatever he seems fit to happen, will happen just because He really is the Ruler of this depressing world.
Yes, we all know what's happening. People all over are getting laid off. Heck, my dad is out of work right now (praying like mad..). Now, as a Christian, I find it so cool that we can NEVER get laid off. As hard as it may get, I always think about the people that are barely surviving, but are alive because of Jesus Christ. He has a job for us to do ALL the time. Whether it's praising, worshipping, or just praying, to Him is a job. The more serious one (at least I think of it that way) would obviously be sharing (there it is again. In my business and God) the Gospel. I am sad I still haven't been able to share the Gospel with anybody. It's almost as if God is not giving me the opportunity because he knows that I'm struggling with myself. In a sort of funny way it's like wanting a girlfriend. I strongly believe nobody should just want a girlfriend because they think it will complete him, or because he'll think that having a girlfriend will "complete" him. In my opionon this is complete wrong. Yet again where I think God hasn't given me a girlfriend yet just simply because He knows I'm not ready at the moment. Not saying this will NOT change in the next 2 months, but it's why I haven't got one yet. So I think!
Right now, I will try my best to leave it all to the King and put it in his hands, for I know He knows the outcome. God has the power to give me what I want and of course He has the power to not give me any part of it. So, whether it's doing my business or trying to share the Gospel, only the One who died for me can help me.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Awful Beginning

Well, just got into this. Don't know why. I think it might be because I like to write. Of course, on a keyboard, naturally. A pencil and paper... Now there's a sort of challenge for me. Because of my disease CMT (not country music television disease, but Charcot-Marie-Tooth) that deals with nerves, writing with a pencil can get quite difficult after some time.
Typing, is a completely different story.
From here on out, whoever reads this, feel free to not. I highly doubt, this blog will improve your life as frankly, I am writing this and can only think about and pray for you. My powers, as you can see, are QUITE limited.
One last note: If I have any gramatykal erors, please refar to my assistent. Feel free to leave a message regarding the error and I will immediately.. *mumble* notdoathing *cough* and get back to you on that as soon as I can.