Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pushin' Them Plugs: Chapter Uno

As promised (well, fine i definitely didn't promise anything so just live with it anyway), i shall now recount my very first day "pushing plugs on the greens" for that striving serious sweaty slave struggle of a job i had over the summer of 2011 (a summer that was so hot and humid and unlike any partier out of high school has possibly ever had). Note to reader: This may turn out to be novel-like (meaning chapters of uselessness) and another perfect (and i mean flawless), supremely, the best way to..waste your ever precious time. Of course, if i really want to make you sad, i would say something like, "Well, you're already dying right now as you read and time passes, so, you could stop now and do something worthwhile like stare at the clock for five minutes, or, just continue."
Well the morning began, 4:45 (if i remember right, unless it was a rare morning where i got up later around..5:18..) just like every other day of the week (except Sunday naturally) where I removed myself from the gloriously old bedframe and clomped down stairs to stir up something in the kitchen. If i remember right (forgive me if i keep saying this but it's "trying" to say the least when trying to remember something that happened in July when one has experienced several x 8 blog-worthy escapades), all i created from the cupboards was a bowl of cereal, hand-pourn and eaten. Classic.
After yanking the refridgirator's doors wide open (being sure NOT to slam them into the corner of the wall that perfectly stands so a careless individual would easily blast the door against the wall leaving a hedious black mark on the white fridge) and searching for my prepared lunch (gathered the night before in the second to biggest tup-a-ware my family owns which held an amazing peanut sauce stir fry dish that my father NAILS), i stealthily closed the doors (blatant lie as everyone knows who has a fridge with that impossible rubber suction lining that has to make that tell-tale "sshhht!!!!" sound no matter how much you RULE in the kitchen and sneaking treats when it's not Treat Day!!!1) and proceeded to hurdle up the stairs, silently, and brush the teeth (all four) vigorously.
Granola bar, nuts, amazing rice and stir fry that was fit for a king, i believed i was set. Tearing out of the garage (with definitely not half as much as speed as that curazy fiend of a Pops i have) i drove to work. On arrival i learned how that it was going to be pretty normal (except of course for the fact that...i had no idea what the day had to share so willingly with me) for i had to do the SandPro. So you don't have to go look up a defition or Heaven forbid actually read and waste more time on this bleak blog, basically it's a machine that smoothes the sand in the bunkers and makes it look good for the grouchy old people; they can then madly stomp and sink to attempt at rescuing their ball. i Don't recall anything about this particular morning of SandPro that is worth mentioning, so just, thank your stars (however many you have, personally i'm trying to find my first one) and read about what happened next.
After washing the SandPro (with a hose that was powerful enough to wash down the USS Arizona ship and also send that hulking terrible boyfriend to the moon with one spurt of water), i plodded to the break room to get one of my snacks (mixed nuts?) and look on the white board for my second job for the day. It revealed these haunting words, "PLAYER'S CLUB" i Had no idea what it meant, naturally, but assumed that i was going to work there for the rest of the day (easily 4.5+ hours). i Went to see one of my supervisors about it and did not hear too much detail. They told me i was going to be "pushing plugs" over at the Player's Club (another golf course that was on the same land as the one i worked at) and working with a leveler.
Ah, there i was. About to transfer for the day to another course to help with a job that i knew nothing about. Classic. (No really, in all honesty this actually was classic as every stinking job i managed to grasp i knew nothing about. Yes.) After hearing briefly about what i was going to do, my supervisors were standing around taking a little break and sniggering about something. i Quickly figured out, it was indeed this job they were talking about and how i was going to help them out.
"Hahah, oh yeah, you might like that.." One said with a gleam and mysterious smile.